

徐晶,杭州人,博士,环球360会员登录(MBA学院)国际商务系讲师。美国佐治亚理工大学经济学博士,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校金融工程硕士。主要研究领域为人力资本、企业创新、应用计量等。以第一作者和通讯作者发表成果于Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationInternational Review of Financial AnalysisEconomic modellingABS3星国际期刊。曾多次在Southern Economic Association等学术会议上进行报告。多次以研究骨干参与国家社科基金重点项目和国家自科基金项目。



(1) Jing Xu; Haizheng Li ; Managerial Human Capital and Corporate R&D investment, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2023, 213: 151-171. (第一作者, 通讯作者)

(2) Jing Xu; Maroula Khraiche; Xi Mao; Xuan Wang ; Hubris or talent? Estimating the role of overconfidence in Chinese householdsinvestment decisions, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, 91: 102992. (第一作者)

(3) Jing Xu; Weiwei Hu ; How do external resources influence a Firm's green innovation? A study based on absorptive capacity, Economic Modelling, 2024, 133: 106660. (第一作者)